It covered much broader areas than I thought it would, talking about forgiveness of self and others, so I thought that was especially helpful. For those who want more, and seek to overcome a performance attitude. I did a devotional by the author and it spoke to me deeply. It's a good book, with many stories and word pictures to get the point across. I believe this can only happen in Heaven. This book lays out the two basic choices we have in our relationship with God, Living to Please God or Living to Trust God and where those choices lead us. truefaced john lynch

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I first heard a sermon called "The Room of Good Intentions vs.

truefaced john lynch

Trust God which will result in relationship with Him and freedom of experiencing His full pleasure with us. A lifetime of sin management and wearing masks kept me spiritually immature and not well loved.

truefaced john lynch

Jun 05, Kimberly rated it liked it. Great book, shares on how we should be real and genuine with each other. The authors kohn that there are two basic ways we can live the Christian life: Jan 10, Jeremy rated it it was ok Shelves: I look forward to reading this book again This book is very helpful and lgnch, taking some very foundational truths of Christianity and making them very clear.

The concept in this book has revolutionized my view of my relationship with God. Jul 07, Adler rated it it was amazing. I thought the strong part of the book was its desire to demonstrate what community can look like when it is liked in authenticity. The guest speaker happened to be none other than John Lynch, and that sermon about forgiveness a few months ago struck a This is a purely Christian book, so here is the place to stop reading if that's not your inclination.

Oct 01, Macie Tfuefaced rated it liked it.

TWR | Trueface Podcasts

It was quite applicable to me. Lists with This Book. Having recently met John Lynch, one of the book's authors, I finally picked it up. I thought this book is more practical than theological, which is good for a 19 year old and a pastor's kid like me.

truefaced john lynch

Feb 17, Sandy Snavely rated it it was amazing. To ask other readers questions about True Facedplease sign up. Mar 13, David Brownlee rated it really liked it. Take off our masks and be our true self. This book really reminded me how awesome our God is and got me looking throughout the Scripture and studying it.

I believe this can only happen in Heaven. You will be challenged, as I was, to contemplate this question, "will I seek to please God or Trust God?

One of those books you read because it's good for you, not because it's lynchh written. Lynhc Password Login Remember Me. Preview — True Faced by Bill Thrall. What a superb read! The cure for shame and sin management is to trust in who God says we are which is redeemed by the blood of Christ and totally forgiven and loved and to bring our true selves into a community where we can be loved with all our junk and l This is a book that gets to the heart of the true gospel of love and grace.

Trueface Podcasts

While the writing seemed very planned-out, going from stage 1 to 2 to 3, etc. Good book I really like this book.

I could tell I've stymied a true opportunity for forgiveness in the past. If you're a believer, take the time to soak it in! It is not only well written with many good analogies to help the reader understand concepts, but it also might turn your whole life around if you let God work with you through it.

See 1 question about True Faced…. Geared more toward men and some spiritual maturity. Each time I've read this book I gained more of a sense of who I am as a victim as it peeled away those self-confines, while I became True to who I truly am.
